Prevent and treat periodontitis/periodontal disease in a timely manner with our periodontitis prophylaxis.
Periodontitis (also known as periodontal disease) is a widespread condition for which we are extensively trained in prevention and treatment. We help you with an effective concept!
Periodontitis (commonly known as periodontal disease) is one of the most common oral diseases, along with cavities. Simply put, it is a bacterial inflammation (infection) of the periodontal tissues. Periodontitis not only damages the gums but also the underlying bone. The danger of this disease is that it initially starts slowly. Patients often do not notice it themselves for a long time, and it spreads undisturbed in the mouth. Through regular preventive examinations in our dental practice, we can detect and treat periodontitis early.
Our dental practice specializes in periodontitis treatment. Dr. Carolin Fischer, a specialist in periodontology, and Dr. Frederic Hermann consider periodontology a significant focus of their expertise. As certified practitioners in the field of periodontology, they possess the necessary knowledge and experience, having completed a 2-year postgraduate training program (Curriculum in Periodontology). This qualification is obtained through various continuing education programs and specializations recognized by a reputable professional society and is only awarded to distinguished and certified experts. If you suffer from periodontitis or suspect it, or if you want to prevent the disease, we are here for you – holistically, gently, and effectively!
Some people are more affected than others. It is a bacteria-induced disease that often becomes chronic. Trigger factors can include genetic predisposition, stress, hormonal changes, certain medications, poor oral hygiene, weakened immune system, or bacterial plaque.
Periodontitis can be well treated. However, if left untreated, it can have serious consequences. Gum recession, loose teeth and tooth loss, as well as bone loss, are some of the effects. Moreover, severe periodontitis can affect overall health. It has been scientifically proven that the inflammatory bacteria spread through the bloodstream in the body. Constriction of blood vessels, cardiovascular diseases, rheumatic complaints, and endocarditis are possible consequences. Periodontitis is a silent disease that manifests with late diagnosis.
Gum pockets and gum inflammation are not only unpleasant but can also be serious indications of periodontitis. Often, bacteria trigger the inflammation of the gums, such as through dental plaque. If the inflammation is ignored or not treated promptly, the bacteria attack the periodontal ligament that anchors the tooth in the bone. The inflamed tissue breaks down, resulting in the formation of a gum pocket. The deeper the pocket becomes over time, the more difficult it is to clean.
Hot tea, a piece of chocolate, delicious ice cream – a sharp pain ruins the enjoyment? It could be a sign of your gums receding from the tooth crown. Gradually, the tooth roots become exposed, making the tooth highly sensitive. Gum recession can be an indication of periodontitis. However, there are also other non-inflammatory causes, such as incorrect brushing technique, functional imbalances in the jaw, hereditary predisposition, or age-related gum recession. We will determine the cause through an individual diagnosis and discuss the optimal solution with you. An effective therapy is possible in almost all cases. For gentle gum tissue regeneration, we rely on modern techniques such as NovoMatrix® that provide long-lasting tissue reconstruction. The use of this innovative approach is a unique feature of our practice, and we are delighted to offer this outstanding service at Team 15.
Gum bleeding can also have various causes, such as mucosal injury, hormonal influences (pregnancy), or infection. Often, gum bleeding is a consequence of inflammation of the gums, known as gingivitis and an early stage of periodontitis.
Periodontitis (periodontal disease) can be treated. Our dental practice specializes in it. Dr. Frederic Hermann focuses, among other things, on periodontology. The practice team is also trained and sensitized to the disease. We follow a systematic approach based on current scientific knowledge. Reliable risk management forms the basis.
We follow a step-by-step approach:
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The treatment path depends on the patient's situation. Possible measures include:
Important measures after periodontitis treatment include diligent oral hygiene at home and regular dental hygiene visits to the dental practice. At our dental practice in Zug, we offer individual concepts to support periodontitis treatment. This allows us to immediately recognize any deterioration and quickly take countermeasures. The frequency of post-treatment follow-ups with our trained specialists depends on the severity of the treatment.