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Whether Titanium or Ceramic:

Discover dental implants with various materials and options.

We offer implants in all shapes and sizes, and with different materials.
However, they all share one thing in common: they are high-quality, durable, and well-tolerated.


Dental Implants –
Different Types and Materials.

Dental implants have been a common therapy for replacing missing teeth for decades. The procedure is extensively documented in scientific literature and clinically demonstrates excellent, long-lasting results. In our dental practice in Zug, we work with various dental implants. All implants are made of biocompatible materials and are exceptionally well-accepted by the body. We exclusively use high-quality products with clinically validated success rates. Our extensive implant library includes systems from reputable providers.

Dental implants can be divided into one-piece and two-piece:

  • One-piece implants integrate the body and abutment in a single piece. This includes so-called mini-implants.
  • Two-piece implants consist of an implant body that integrates into the jawbone and a separate implant abutment. The dental prosthesis is anchored on the abutment. The connection point between the body and abutment is located at the gum line.

Dental Implants Made of Titanium Have Been Proven for Decades.

The majority of dental implants used today are made of high-purity titanium. This material is tissue-friendly (biocompatible) and forms a strong bond with the bone (osseointegration). Scientific studies confirm that titanium behaves biologically neutral in the mouth and does not trigger allergic reactions. The body of research on titanium implants is extensive because titanium has been used as an implant material for decades, including in orthopedics.

Are Titanium Dental Implants Visible in the Mouth?

No, the titanium implant body is integrated into the jawbone beneath the gum line and is invisible. The implant abutment is covered with a dental prosthesis made of tooth-colored high-performance ceramic, such as an implant crown. The titanium is not visible. Therefore, only two materials are used: titanium and ceramic—both materials are considered completely biocompatible and well-tolerated.

Dental Implants Made of Ceramic Offer a Holistic Tooth-Colored Alternative.

For patients who prefer not to have metallic materials in their bodies or have allergies to them, we offer ceramic dental implants. These implants are made from medical-grade high-performance ceramic, specifically zirconia. Extensive research has been conducted in this field in recent years, leading to the availability of various ceramic implants. Due to their biocompatibility, ceramic or zirconia implants are also suitable for patients at high risk of allergies. Another advantage of ceramic implants is their tooth-colored appearance, which can be particularly beneficial in the gum area. While the body of research on ceramic implants is not as extensive as that of titanium implants, current scientific findings and clinical experiences show that high-quality ceramic implants can be used safely. We have years of experience and expertise in handling metal-free ceramic implants and would be happy to provide personalized advice.

Mini-Implants Provide Firm Support for Dentures Minimally Invasively, Cost-Effectively, and Without Bone Reconstruction.

Mini-implants have become a popular option (and cost-effective alternative) in our dental practice for providing support to dentures in the edentulous jaw. We now have over 16 years of experience in the clinical use of mini-implants. Like regular dental implants, mini-implants are screwed into the jawbone. The difference lies in the screw diameter. Mini-implants are extremely narrow and therefore require minimal insertion effort. Especially in the edentulous jaw and in cases of bone resorption, mini-implants can provide a straightforward solution—an alternative to bone reconstruction and conventional implants. Mini-implants are small titanium screws with ball-shaped heads (abutment) that are gently screwed into the bone under local anesthesia. In most cases, it is not even necessary to incise the gum on the jaw ridge. In the lower jaw, 4 mini-implants stabilize the complete denture, while 6 mini-implants are used in the upper jaw.

Can I Keep My Old Denture Despite Having Mini-Implants?

... usually yes. We can either use your existing denture and attach small snaps to the base of the denture. With a click mechanism, the ball heads of the implants snap into the sockets, providing support for the denture. Alternatively, we can create a new denture to your specifications and tailor it to your individual situation.

Our Overview

Implant Therapy
Implant Therapy
Gentle Bone Reconstruction
Gentle Bone Reconstruction
Materials and Options
Materials and Options
Pre- & Post-Care
Pre- & Post-Care