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Beautiful teeth make your smile shine.

The most beautiful thing you can wear is your smile. Beautiful teeth enhance well-being and give a smile confidence and naturalness. Cosmetic dentistry holds a high importance in our dental practice in the heart of Zug. Cosmetic dentistry is the medical art for us, to maintain or restore harmony in the masticatory system (teeth, gums, temporomandibular joints, and jawbones). Whether it's teeth whitening, veneers, front tooth aesthetics, gum corrections or orthodontics – we offer many possibilities to enhance your smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Your teeth look good with us.

Be inspired by the modern possibilities for beautiful teeth; gentle, safe, and effective! We work with innovative technologies such as Digital Smile Design. Thanks to this modern software in cosmetic dentistry, we can digitize all imaging and analysis processes and visualize your new smile digitally even before the treatment. This way, we can design your individual dream smile - because beautiful teeth, framed by healthy gums, appear aesthetic and radiate vitality and health.

Sometimes the aesthetic appearance of the smile is disturbed.
In our dental practice, we can help.

  • Teeth discoloration –

    we make beautiful tooth whiteness shine.

  • Teeth slightly misaligned –

    we straighten them gently.

  • The gums are not quite optimal –

    we correct them carefully.

  • Tooth gaps affect aesthetics –

    we close the gap.

Dental aesthetics consists of many components. We see the whole picture and show you possibilities and limitations. Medical aspects take priority. Every cosmetic treatment follows the current scientific research. For dental corrections, we use modern, highly aesthetic materials (such as porcelain, composite) that are tested and proven. In our team, dental specialists and dental technicians, who are experts in dental aesthetics, work together. Together, as TEAM 15, we are here for your beautiful smile.

Your path to beautiful teeth.

Many people desire an improvement in their smile. There are various options available. We focus on minimally invasive procedures, a healthy oral environment, and the functioning of the temporomandibular joints. As responsible dentists, we adhere to scientific standards and only use tested methods, materials, and products. Since aesthetics depend on individual preferences, we discuss, plan, and visualize each treatment option with you in advance.

Our services in the field of cosmetic dentistry.

Front Teeth Aesthetics
Front Teeth Aesthetics
Gum Correction
Gum Correction
Aesthetic Orthodontics
Aesthetic Orthodontics

Our overview