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Healthy and fresh breath – we can help.

Bad breath (halitosis) can be tricky because often the person affected doesn't notice it or hesitates to talk about it. In our dental practice, we can often quickly resolve the problem because the cause of bad breath is usually in the mouth.

Causes of
bad breath.

The causes of bad breath can be multifaceted. Digestive tract disorders, conditions in the throat-nose area, or general metabolism can be reasons for bad breath. However, in most cases, the trigger is in the mouth – in the form of bacteria. This doesn't mean that the person has poor oral hygiene. Often, it's due to improper oral hygiene practices, such as inadequate techniques. Or certain areas in the mouth are difficult to clean, such as deep gum pockets or spaces under ill-fitting dental restorations. Food particles cannot be thoroughly removed from these areas, resulting in the formation of plaque. Bacteria thrive in these areas and produce sulfur compounds that cause a foul odor. The surface of the tongue can also be affected; tongue coating is considered a common cause of bad breath. Another reason is that periodontitis kann Mundgeruch auslösen. 

In general, it is important to investigate the causes of bad breath.

Preventing foul-smelling breath.

Thorough oral hygiene is key! However, brushing alone is often not enough. Interdental brushes and dental floss are essential, as well as regular dental hygiene visits to our practice. Our specialists remove even stubborn deposits, leaving no chance for bad breath. For home oral hygiene, we recommend using a specialized tongue cleaner in addition to regular tooth cleaning.

Treating bad breath.

Chewing gum and mouthwash do not effectively treat bad breath, or they provide only temporary relief. The underlying causes are usually not addressed. If you suffer from bad breath, don't hesitate to contact us – online, by phone, or through our contact form. We will first investigate the causes and work with you to find the optimal path to improve your oral health.

Our services in the field of prevention

Dental Hygiene
Dental Hygiene
Periodontitis Prophylaxis
Periodontitis Prophylaxis
Genetic and Bacterial Tests
Genetic and Bacterial Tests
Cancer Screening
Cancer Screening
Bad Breath
Bad Breath